Friday, November 29, 2019
Survey Results
Introduction Research has been a useful instrument in many aspects of human life. Other than natural science studies, which are very common among natural scientists, social science research has gained relevance over the recent years. Kurtz (2008) observes that the society is very dynamic. Many activities in society change due to technological developments.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Survey Results specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Because of this, there has been an increasing desire to conduct research, which may answer several questions emerging in our current society. Social science research focuses on human behavior. Unlike in pure sciences where a specimen can be put in some controlled environment, human behavior cannot be put under restricted conditions. Moreover, a human being can change his or her character or provide untrue answers once he or she realizes that there is a study being conducted on his or her behavior. This would therefore demand social scientists to master the art of studying human behavior. This may not be very easy because in most cases, there is always a need to be closer enough to the object being studied. In case the subject being studied is a human being, it would be challenging to conclude research findings successfully. Human behavior is subject to change. Researchers should note this and device ways of dealing with it. Surveys offer the best way through which human behavior can be understood. A researcher may decide to conduct a study through surveying. Churchill and Lacobucci (2004) assert that a survey has proved to be a very effective method of conducting research. A researcher can decide to utilize an interview method in gathering data. Furthermore, the technique could as well be supplemented with surveying. This is important as the researcher would generalize from his or her own observation and use the results from the interview to validate or m odify the study. Research Methods Every research project applies a specific research method to achieve its objectives. This may actually depend on the goal of the project. The researcher in this paper intends to find out the prevalence of drug abuse in the state of Arizona. The society detests the habit of drug addiction. Not many people will admit that at one time or another, he or she was involved in drug abuse.Advertising Looking for case study on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They would provide information that would not expose their behaviors in relation to drug abuse. The researcher therefore devices a method that would back up the findings received from various respondents. A survey could be used to support the interview. For the interview, the researcher designed questionnaires that would guide respondents in answering structured questions. The questionnaire was designed to gather information pertaining to respondent’s gender, their involvement in drug abuse and their encounters with police officers. The researcher was keen to exclude some statements from the questionnaire. In the questionnaire, the researcher deliberately avoided asking questions such as whether the respondent was a drunkard when the accident occurred. Such questions are intimidating and can change the mood of the respondent leading to biased answers. In this scenario, the researcher made a concerted effort to design questions in a way that would not make respondents feel guilty either as drunkards or as drunk drivers. The researcher succeeded in doing this in his third question, which inquires about any encounter with the Arizona State officers. This question was designed to push the blame on state officers. This lifts the guilt from the respondent hence increasing the chances of extracting required information from the respondent. To maintain ethics in this study, the researcher explained the purpose of the study and its intended use. Application of the Scenario The concept used in the above scenario would be applicable in a business research. In most business researches, there is always the need to gather information without intimidating respondents. The questionnaire in this scenario was designed technically. Therefore, it is appropriate to ensure that respondents are not subjected to questions that are intimidating. In case there is a question that needs to be addressed, it should be structured in a way that would not make respondents feel guilty.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Survey Results specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is always very important to limit uncertainties when collecting data. This would call for application of appropriate probability concepts when collecting data. In this research, it would be appropriate to use empirical probability concept. This is because the data will be given a h istorical analysis. Empirical approach would limit uncertainties that always come with data collection techniques (MacLean, Mohr, 1999). In any research, it is always vital to identify discreet outcomes. In the case provided, the researcher was able to gather discreet data from respondents by carefully designing the questionnaire to avoid biased answers. It is always necessary to ensure that the data collected is as accurate as possible. Most researches are always useful in formulating policies that may be applicable in various fields in society. As Kabani (2009) explains, accuracy and precision of various probability concepts is important if information is to be of any use. However, these probability concepts always have some degree of assumptions. These assumptions may jeopardize the accuracy of results. On the other hand, the need for accuracy and precision may also render a concept irrelevant. This will call for a balance between the need for accuracy or precision and the appli cability of a concept. This should be done in a way that would allow accuracy while still accepting the practicability of the concept used. Hamilton (2004) explains that in a bid to ensure maximum accuracy, care should be taken to ensure that necessary assumptions are taken into considerations. Similarly, the assumptions should not override the need for accurate data. Data gathered through survey indicate that majority of drivers in the state of Arizona are men. The survey also indicates that majority of these drivers are always involved in drug abuse. From the survey, over 80% admitted that at one point, they were involved in drug abuse. From the interview, it was also ascertained that police officers in this state are not keen on identifying the culprits. Many cases of drug abuse always go unnoticed and this endangers the lives of other members of society. Care should be taken to ensure that this issue is addressed fully. Indeed, many people have perished due to drug addiction. Po licy makers have a role to play as far as drug abuse is concerned. No action can be taken without sufficient data.Advertising Looking for case study on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, proper investigation should be carried out to identify the major causes of the problem in the state of Arizona. Researchers would therefore employ data collection techniques that are precise in order to come up with accurate information. Conducting research is the first step in solving any problem afflicting society. References Churchill, G., Lacobucci, D. (2004). Marketing Research with Infortrac: Methodological Foundations. New York, NY: Southwestern Publications. Hamilton, A. (2004). Handbook of Project Management Procedures. New York, NY: TTL Publishing. Kabani, S. (2009). The Zen Of Social Media: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue. Dallas: Ben Bella Books. Kurtz, D. (2008). Contemporary Marketing: Designing Customer Oriented marketing Strategy. New York, NY: Cengage Learning. MacLean, M., Mohr, M. (1999). Teacher-researcher at Work. Berkeley, CA: National Writing Project. This case study on Survey Results was written and submitted by user Madison Sargent to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Its Is a short summary about Sherlock Holmes for Hounds Of The Baskervilles
Its Is a short summary about Sherlock Holmes for Hounds Of The Baskervilles Sherlock Holmes is a very complex character, he has many different qualities. You can almost think you know him, and then he might do something unexpected, like later in the book. I can not give his physical description, because the book does not go into great detail about his appearance. He approaches evidence in a very good manor. He always looks everything over; He always looks for every piece of evidence that he would be able to pick up and use. He also thinks outside the box when he is investigating, that is one reason why he is so good at his job as a detective. When he questions someone, he ask them every single question that can do with that case, because Sherlock Holmes know that he might not be able to question them again later. Holmes thinks a lot of himself and he makes it very evident. Some time he almost even shows off and brags to Watson about how he is better than him at solving crimes.Sherlock Holmes in "The Adventure of the Dying Det...Such as, in the first chapter, Holmes asks Watson what he thinks about the walking cane that was left behind. Watson examines the cane and give his best thought about what happened. Then, Holmes just said that that was a nice try, but this is what he belives what happened with his stick, and he was almost saying what he says, is right, always. Holmes does have a few quirks about him. He is almost unnaturally intelligent and can think of a solution to a case in a very short time. He cocaine addiction is also a very peculiar part about him. You wouldn't think that someone that smart and with that sharp of a mind would resort to cocaine when in need of assistance in thinking. I think the...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Understanding & Analyzing Competing Values Framework Assignment
Understanding & Analyzing Competing Values Framework - Assignment Example Through these processes, the organization eventually achieves stability and control. Open Systems Model (OSM) emphasizes adaptability, growth, organic system, resources acquisition, and external support. The Rational Goal Model (RGM) emphasizes rational action with the major aspect being the realization of profit. The primary assumption of this quadrant is that planning as well as goal setting lead to outcomes namely efficiency and productivity. Human Relations Model (HRM) is founded on morale and cohesion with special emphasis on capacity building and human resource management (Cameron & Spreitzer 2012). Members of an organization act as cooperating members and not alienated individuals of a common social system. The Research/Study The efficiency and value of the models that help in understanding the structure is the primary goal of the research. The study further attempts to scrutinize and evaluate how various structures of the organization operate towards accomplishing the set obj ectives in the short term and long-term basis. Apparently, every business enterprise has distinct rationale and composition that helps in tackling fundamental challenges that have considerable chance to hamper the efforts and goals already set out by the management and employees (Cameron & Quinn 2011). The essential facet of the study was to establish suitable ways of inventing the framework. This would help in making the rationale become more effective notwithstanding other invisible challenges or factors. Understanding the task of the framework has become even much easier following discovery of two vital dimensions of efficiency in an organizational framework. The potential dangers and disapproval because of the contemporary criteria was another... This essay stresses that the efficiency and value of the models that help in understanding the structure is the primary goal of the research. The study further attempts to scrutinize and evaluate how various structures of the organization operate towards accomplishing the set objectives in the short term and long-term basis. Apparently, every business enterprise has distinct rationale and composition that helps in tackling fundamental challenges that have considerable chance to hamper the efforts and goals already set out by the management and employees. This paper makes a conclusion that The co-worker perceives me as someone who works productively, facilitates a more constructive working environment, manages stress and time, and develop and communicate vision. The co-worker has further developed firm conviction that I can set vital goals and objectives; prove to be instrumental in design and organization, project management, designing work, managing across functions, and controlling information overload, process and deliberate on management with critical thinking. Other skills include developing employees, effectual communication, understanding and appreciating people around as well as my efforts, conflict management, and team building. These self-assessment instruments have considerable influence on my capacity to improve personal output as well as efforts to integrate fresh ideas into the organization. Finally, the instruments would facilitate the process of building positive relationships with co-workers and the management notwit hstanding the realism about multiplicity of roles.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Physical Theatre Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Physical Theatre Journal - Essay Example Examining the relationship of the theatre to different parts of the performance can create a different understanding of how the expressions in physical theatre established. In traditional theatre, the main component is to use dialogue and monologue to express different ideologies. This tradition is able to express different components and brings out the main identity within the theatre. In physical theatre, the words are secondary to the actions and physical expressions that are taken. The words are only used to support the actions that are taken and to exemplify the identity which is taken through the physical movements. For the physical theatre to work effectively, one has to understand the qualities of words through physical movement, as opposed to the expected description of the word. For instance, if one wants to express the idea of wisdom, then the physical movements will need to show this and place metaphors and similes that are expressed through the body. The text then becomes a supporting role that allows actors and actresses to interpret a given idea and form (Callery, 2001). The text that is associated with the physical aspects is one which makes the writer redundant in the creation of ensemble work. Since the work is only used to define the physical aspects, the writer no longer holds the same place within the establishment of the work. The main component which establishes this is the combination of intertextuality and intratextuality. The intertextuality comes from the writer and is used only as a guideline to establish the main work which is occurring. The intratext is how this is established within a given environment. According to Robin Arthur, director of physical theatre, the entertainment was one which allowed the text to be used and re-used. The single line of text, when going into the
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Moons of Mars Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Moons of Mars - Term Paper Example They are not only being speculated as the next best targets for space colonization, but also as gateways for further cost-effective investigations on Mars. This is largely because lifting off and landing of spaceships on Phobos and Deimos would take up lesser fuel than similar missions on Mars or the Moon, owing to their lesser gravity (about 1/1000th that of the Earth), and low atmospheric resistance. Since manned missions to the Martian moons are much more feasible, it would be possible for humans to investigate and explore the Red Planet further, from remote observatories located on its moons. This would be more productive than using robots and probes for scientific investigation. As Siegfried Fred Singer describes it, in The Scientific American: The basic advantage of astronauts is that they can explore Mars in real time, free of communications delays and capable of following up interesting results with new experiments. Robots, even after decades of research to make them complete ly autonomous, cannot manage without people in the loop. But the question arises: Where should the astronauts be? The obvious answer--on the surface of Mars--is not necessarily the most efficient. At the first "Case for Mars" conference in 1981, one of the more provocative conclusions was that the Martian moons, Phobos and Deimos, could serve as comparatively inexpensive beachheads. (1) This brings out the practicality and possibility of colonizing the Martian moons, and how it will be helpful for development of novel strategies for cheaper, fuel efficient and realistic research on Mars. The two Moons of Mars Phobos and Deimos were both discovered by Asaph Hall, using the 206-inch refractor of U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington D. C. Phobos (Greek for 'fear'), the larger of the two, is 27 kilometers long. Its distance from Mars is just 5700 kilometers and it completes an orbit in about 8 hours. The large Stickney crater on its left is perhaps its most prominent feature. Deimos (Gree k for 'Panic') is 14.5 kilometers long and completes an orbit in 30 hours. Its distance from Mars is 23,460 kilometers. Studies carried out by scientists in 1997 revealed that both the moons are about 2 billion years old and their composition is similar to meteorites, Type 1 or 2 carbonaceous chondrites, found in the Asteroid Ceres as well as in the asteroid belt. This led to conclusions that the two moons are actually captured asteroids, and didn't actually originate from the planet itself. Two probes, Phobos 1 and Phobos 2, launched by the Soviet Union to study the two moons failed, ending the mission in 1989. The Mars Global Surveyor and the European Mars Express have carried out further observations on the Martian moons. The Mars Reconnaissance Mission is also carrying out studies on the spectral properties of the moons as part of the Mars exploration mission. The moons look like tiny dots from the surface of Mars, according to information obtained from Mars Exploration Rovers- Spirit and Opportunity. Other missions solely for the study of the moons are currently under plans. Credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell/Texas Practicality of using the Martian moons as a base for Mars exploration By using Phobos and Deimos as research bases, scientists will be able to "observe the Red Planet and launch robots to its surface, while shielded by miles of rock from cosmic rays and
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Anxiety in Cancer Treatment: A Case Study
Anxiety in Cancer Treatment: A Case Study Case Study Celine Laurie Cyr-Martel Patient Presenting problem: Celine is a 25 year old female who presented to the emergency department (E.D.) with increased abdominal pain over the last 2 weeks. Patient recently completed chemotherapy and cancer treatment for intestinal cancer. Celine has been under increased stress due to her living situation and is concerned that her cancer has returned. She reports the pain is different than when she was initially diagnosed. She had an appointment with her oncologist on Monday, but by Friday night the pain was excruciating and she presented to the ED on Saturday morning. Background and demographics: Celine was born in a suburb of Maine, never knowing her biological father, was raised (a term she uses loosely), by her mother and resided with her mother and biological brother two years her senior. The patient reports most of her life, her mother was an addict. According to Celine, from an early age – which she reports as 5-10 years of age, she remembers her mother’s drug of choice as alcohol. When her maternal grandparents visited, the addiction was hidden. While Celine was in Junior high and high school, her mother’s drug of choice was cocaine. Celine reports her mother would make her steal either food or money. Celine was told that if she was caught, â€Å"nothing bad would happen.†Celine was fearful if she told anyone of the environment, the state would make her live in foster care. From ages 12-15, Celine found her mother clinically dead twice, Celine called 911 and her mother was revived. Both times, the mother entered rehab with the intention of becoming sober and clean. In those times Celine stayed with her maternal grandparents. Her mother would â€Å"get clean†and Celine and her brother would return home. Celine’s brother experienced a traumatic brain injury his senior year in high school while riding an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATC). His home care fell to Celine. It was at this time Celine, who had just turned 16, was diagnosed with intestinal cancer. According to Celine, while she was going through Chemotherapy, her mother would steal her pain meds, leaving Celine to endure the pain. She was deemed in remission at the age of 19 after a 3 year battle, the cancer returned last year at age 24. Celine completed high school as an above average student, but was unable to attend college due to increased anxiety. At the age of 21, Celine who was still living with her mother and acting as care taker, found her mother unconscious and called emergency services. Her mother was un able to be revived. Celine contacted the State at this time, to request help with her brother. According to Celine, the state was surprised to learn that no one had previously intervened. Celine moved into her own apartment and is currently on disability, due to her medical and anxiety concerns. Her brother lives in a group home setting, whom she visits seldom. Celine reports that in the last six months she has noticed increased anger and is working with her therapist to determine the reasons and rationale. The two scales used to determine intervention and resources for both the anxiety and the patients history of intestinal cancer were the GAD-7 (Lowe, Decker, Muller, Brahler, Schellberg, Herzog, Herzberg, 2008; Spitzer, Kroenke, Williams, Lowe, 2006) and the Cancer Behavior Inventory (CBI-B) (Heitzmann, Merluzzi, Jean-Pierre, Roscoe, Kirsh, Passik, 2011; Merluzzi, Nairn, Hedge, Martinez Sanchez, Dunn 2001; Merluzzi, Martinez Sanchez, 1997). Measurements CBI-B:The CBI-B is a shorter version of a previously well-established measure of the Cancer Behavior Inventory Long Version (Heitzmann, Merluzzi, Jean-Pierre, Roscoe Kirsh 2011). The long version is a 33-item tool, developed to measure how well an individual copes with cancer. The long and short version of the CBI, measure items on a nine point scale from â€Å"not at all confident†to â€Å"totally confident.†The internal consistency in the longer version of 33 items produced a co-efficient of 0.94 and the test-retest for the 33 item CBI was 0.74 (Merluzzi, Nairn, Hedge, Martinez Sanchez, Dunn 2001; Merluzzi, Martinez Sanchez, 1997). As my interaction with this patient was limited due to the emergency department location, the patient agreed to participate using the shorter version, 12 item CBI-B. The Cronbach co-efficient of the 12 item version, indicated an internal consistency of .84, attained in three different samples (Heitzmann, Merluzzi, Jean-Pierre, Roscoe, Kirsh 2011). Thus, the results in using this assessment indicate acceptable reliability to the degree to which the patient believes she is able to cope and maintain her health during her experience with cancer. The quality of life measures were also positively correlated with the negative correlations or depression and the impact of sickness, demonstrating the validity of the CBI-B (Heitzmann, Merluzzi, Jean-Pierre, Roscoe, Kirsh 2011). Patients who believe they are able to cope with the illness are more apt to connect with the resources to face the multiple challenges of the disease. . GAD-7: Reviewing validity studies for the GAD-7, resulted in agreement this measurement tool is appropriate and validated for use in primary care (Spitzer, Kroenke, Williams, Lowe, 2006), those in a hospital program, (Kertz, Bigda-Peyton, Bjorgvinsson. 2013), and the general population (Lowe, Decker, Muller, Brahler, Schellberg, Herzog, Herzberg, 2008). Spitzer et al., (2008) used a large sample size (2982), and took into account ethnicities, age, education, and relationship status. The diversity and sample size allowed for various correlations, producing a Cronbach which resulted in a score of 0.92 indicating an excellent internal consistency. Within the general population, there is evidence to support the validity and the reliability of the GAD-7. Lowe et al., (2008) used a sample of 5,032 participants. The researchers assessed the construct validity by comparing scores of those diagnosed with general anxiety disorder in primary care settings, to the scores of those diagnosed wit h GAD in the general population. The internal consistency resulted in an acceptable 0.89. Although a smaller sample size of 232 was selected from a partial hospital program to measure the validity of the GAD-7 (Kertz, Bigda-Peyton, Bjorgvinsson 2013), the study concluded that due to the brevity, easy administration, that the GAD-7 had strong construct validity. The associations with self-esteem, depression, resilience and how satisfied a patient is with their life, demonstrated good reliability and construct validity within the GAD-7 in all three studies (Lowe et al., 2008; Spitzer et al., 2006; Kertz, Bigda-Peyton, Bjorgvinsson 2013). Administration: The CBI-B and the GAD-7 were administered twice; upon the initial assessment and the third contact. (The second contact was by phone to ascertain the results of her appointment with her oncologist. The patient advised that the results of her blood work was â€Å"looking positive.†) When initially administered, CBI-B score was 64. (Figure 1) The scores indicating the patient was able to maintain her abilities when confronting her disease, but not yet at a point where confidence was paramount. As the CBI-B was administered only twice, a wide variation in scores was not expected. The third contact, the patient agreed to meet in the conference room of the emergency department. I asked if this would be a hardship as her grandmother would be traveling three hours. The patient advised she had an appointment with her oncologist, and she wanted me to explain the measurement tools to her grandmother. Results of the second administration of the CBI-B was 91; (Figure II) indicating an increase in self efficacy within two weeks. The initial score from the GAD-7 was 19 (Figure III) indicating severe anxiety. The patient is currently being treated for her anxiety, so the elevated score was not a surprise to this practitioner. However, the patient was concerned as she had been working on decreasing her anxiety with her current therapist. The patient was hesitant to take the GAD-7 the second time as she was apprehensive it might not change. Upon taking the second test, (Figure IV) the patients score actually resulted in positive news for Celine decreasing by 5 points. Scores: The patient attributed the positive change in the scores for both the GAD -7 and the CBI-B as a result of relocation to her maternal grandparent’s home on the coast of Maine where she was close to the ocean able to use her photography and find â€Å"peace in her heart.†As evident in the CBI-B, relaxation, coping, consolation, and having some-one whom she could share her concerns and feelings. These scores had increased. The patient advises that she has been able to use the breathing techniques when she begins to feel overwhelmed. The decrease in the anxiety scores may also be correlated to the relocation, support systems, access to hobbies. Although, the patient’s score still borders on severe, her future outlook presents as positive when speaking of her living situation. Celine admits to worry about her cancer, but believes she will continue to improve. Celine’s passion has always been with the artistic realm. Her grandparents have become involved in Celine’s life. They live three hours away on the coast of Maine. Celine finds solace at the ocean. The Grandparents purchased a camera for Celine two years prior. She currently takes photographs of nature, her grandfather makes the frames for the pictures and they are sold at fairs. Celine advises a few of her pictures have been placed in the reception area of a local hospital. Discussion: Both measurement tools used with this patient were of great validity in the emergency department setting. As there is not always a chance to follow up with patients, I was fortunate to gather information not just from the tool itself, but the patient’s reactions, participation, and discussion when using the measurement tools. Follow up with her therapist would be paramount to continue addressing the anxiety. The patient advises she will be attempting to locate another therapist closer to her grandmother. We were able to locate several therapists in a nearby town. The young woman’s resiliency may be the result of the hardships already endured at a young age. According to Merluzzi Martinez Sanchez (1997), social supports, whether perceived or actual are positively correlated to self-efficacy. {The second and final meeting resulted in opening a dialogue between the patient and her grandmother}. Celine began an on line class for photography and is hopeful to cr eate her own business. The two chosen measurements correlated well together. The ability to regulate ones affect, adapt to the negatively of cancer, and express those thoughts, the more positive the outcome (Merluzzi, et al., 2001). If the therapist can continue to address the anxiety in terms of self-efficacy, it is possible that Celine will continue to increase her good health.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Allen Ginsberg and American Protest Literature Essay -- American Protes
BUNEA VALENTIN LEONARD GROUP 3A, ENGLISH-AMERICAN STUDIES ALLEN GINSBERG,  ¡Ã‚ §HOWL ¡Ã‚ ¨ AND THE LITERATURE OF PROTEST      Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) was an important figure in the Beat Generation Movement that took place right before the revolutionary American 60 ¡Ã‚ ¦s. Other major beat writers (also called  ¡Ã‚ §beatnicks ¡Ã‚ ¨) were: Gregory Corso, Jack Kerouac and William Burroughs. The beat poetry was meant to be oral and very effective in readings. It developed out of poetry readings in underground clubs.(a beautiful image of these secret clubs can be found in the movie called  ¡Ã‚ §Dead Poet ¡Ã‚ ¦s Society ¡Ã‚ ¨ with Robin Williams playing the main character). Some argued that it was the grandparent of rap music. The term  ¡Ã‚ §Beat Generation ¡Ã‚ ¨ was coined by Kerouac in the fall of the 1948 in New York City. The word  ¡Ã‚ §beat ¡Ã‚ ¨ referred loosely to their shared sense of spiritual exhaustion and diffuse feelings of rebellion against what they experienced as the general conformity, hypocrisy and materialism of a larger society around them caught up i n he unprecedented prosperity of postwar America.           The beat poetry was the most anticanon form of literature in the United States. The poetry is a cry of pain and rage, a howl at what the poets see as the loss of America ¡Ã‚ ¦s innocence and as a tragic waste.           Allen Ginsberg was born in Newark, New Jersey. His parents were second generation Russian- Jewish immigrants, left-wing radicals interested in Marxism, nudism, feminism, generally in the modern revolutionary ideas of his times. This background certainly did influence his evolution as a revolutionary poet. His father, Louis Ginsberg, was a teacher and a poet, whose work was published in New York Times. During Ginsberg ¡Ã‚ ¦s childhood, his mother, Naomi Ginsberg, started to suffer from paranoia. She was institutionalized and eventually lobotomized. She died in an asylum in 1956. her life is the subject one Allen ¡Ã‚ ¦s poem entitled  ¡Ã‚ §Kaddish ¡Ã‚ ¨ and which was written as a compensation of her funeral service.           After he graduated a public high school, Ginsberg won a scholarship from Columbia University where he became a famous student, making friends with Williams Burroughs and Jack Kerouac. An... ...p;  Ginsberg ¡Ã‚ ¦s style is not disciplined, but based on a spontaneous utterance of ideas, violating all the current artistic canons, provoking a literary and social scandal. The powerful     representations of the urban realities, of the language and matter of the urban streets were meant to induce powerful reactions of the reader. He brought the culture down to the level of streets and neighborhoods. That ¡Ã‚ ¦s why the language and the images are obscene, including symbolism and direct references to oral and anal sex, homosexuality and drug use. We can even say that the form of the poem seems to be a self exploration, shaped after his own life.      What Ginsberg manages to do is to freely express his attitudes the way they overwhelm him: defiance, longing, terror, hysteria, prayer, anger, joy, exhaustion, culminating with madness and suicide. BIBLIOGRAPHY: „ «Ã‚ „ «Ã‚ „ «Ã‚     UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE-  ¡Ã‚ §OUTLINE OF AMERICAN LITERATURE ¡Ã‚ ¨ „ «Ã‚     NORTON ANTHOLOGY
Monday, November 11, 2019
Islam and Ramadan Essay
Ramadan in Britain during the early Eighties, when I was growing up, was very different from the way it is now. There was no awareness of the rotating month of fasting in the Islamic calendar, no flexibility to working hours, no facility for prayer in offices and no calls for prayer on television. For one month every year, my family and I would undertake this annual Islamic duty furtively, tip-toeing around for the pre-dawn meal for fear of waking up the neighbours with the kitchen clatter, and reluctant to talk about the practice for fear of censure or mockery. Four decades on, Ramadan is marked far more openly in Britain. Some employers are offering flexi-time to those Muslims who, from this week, will undertake a daily fast for 30 consecutive days that will involve around 19 hours of abstention from all food and drink – from sunrise to sunset. Some firms are allowing Muslims to begin their working day later, so they can catch up on sleep after waking up at 3am to eat, and to end their shifts earlier, so that they are not working when they are physically weakened. The Eid festival that marks the end of Ramadan is also increasingly celebrated in public venues around the country, including Trafalgar Square in London. Channel 4 announced last week that it would broadcast one out of five â€Å"calls for prayer†during the month-long fasting period. The channel called it a deliberately â€Å"provocative†act that would, it hoped, challenge prejudices that link Islam to extremism. It is not just Ramadan that has received a PR boost in recent times but fasting itself. In the early days of fasting – at school and then at university – I was often warned by well-wishers of the danger I might be putting my body under and that abstaining from eating and drinking water for long hours could do me harm. Now, fasting seems to have been reinvented as the ancients saw it – a way of giving the body a rest, cleansing both physically and spiritually, and a way of sharpening our collective sense of self-restraint. These objectives are being resurrected in our obesity-riddled Western world, with its binge culture, its childhood obesity and its addictions to food. Dr Michael Mosley’s Horizon investigation in 2012, which studied the effects of intermittent fasting, and in which he fasted two days out of every week (living on 600 calories during his fasting days) spawned the popularity of the 5:2 diet. Dr Mosley presented medical evidence for the life-extending and life-improving benefits of fasting on the human body, though this is still contentious territory in the scientific and nutritional community. Even grander claims came from American scientists last year who said that fasting for regular periods could help protect the brain against degenerative illness. Researchers at the National Institute on Ageing in Baltimore found evidence that a severe reduction of calorie intake for one or two days a week could protect the brain from the most detrimental effects of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Aside from the health benefits, there are ethical reasons for fasting, too, even for the most irreligious amongst us. Steven Poole, in his book, You Aren’t What You Eat: Fed Up With Gastroculture, argues compellingly against the recent explosion of â€Å"foodie culture†in Britain, in which food has become a self-indulgent, status-bound and profligate middle-class pastime. Celebrity chefs are now worshipped, he says, and people post pictures of their meals on Facebook. â€Å"Western civilisation is eating itself stupid,†Poole writes. â€Å"The literary and visual rhetoric of food in our culture has become decoupled from any reasonable concern for nutrition or environment.†It is naà ¯ve to think that a few hours of abstinence will harm the majority of the overweight population in the West, though of course, those with certain ailments such as heart conditions or diabetes should avoid fasting on medical grounds (and are exempt from the obligation of Ramadan). After all, hundreds of thousands of people across the world have access to only one meal at best, and limited water, yet they live on. Mohammed Shafiq, founding member of the Ramadhan Foundation, believes that the persistent hunger and weakness of religious fasting may slow us down but it also increases our compassion for those who have been weakened physically in some way. â€Å"During Ramadan, you understand how someone feels when they live in a place with no food or water.†In this sense, there are gains to be made for the soul and its expanded capacity for empathy. Fasting leads us to think about our bodies, their dependencies and their frailties, as well as those of our fellow men and women. And that’s not a bad thing.
Friday, November 8, 2019
How to Write a Scene The Ultimate 8-Step Guide
How to Write a Scene The Ultimate 8-Step Guide 8 Steps to Writing a Perfect Scene- Every Time You know how complex writing a novel can be. You not only have to come up with a great premise, engaging characters, high stakes, and conflict that pushes the protagonist toward his goal, but you must also learn how write a scene that compels readers- and fill your book with them. That is a lot harder than some think. Many writers spend a moment thinking up a vignette but give little regard to the scene’s purpose. While a checklist can help analyze the structure, it doesn’t address the process. Need help writing your novel?Click here to download Jerrys ultimate 12-step guide. Positioning First: scene types vary depending on where each is placed over the span of a novel. Opening Scenes should be loaded with character and set up your premise. That’s where you want to slip in important bits of backstory. Middle Scenes carry complications, twists, and raise the stakes. Climactic Scenes should build to a riveting climax, so they might be shorter and packed with action and emotion. Genre Second: there’s no â€Å"one size fits all†template for a perfect scene. The kind of novel you’re writing also dictates the style, length, and structure of a scene, so study novels in your genre. How to Write a Scene Using My 8-StepProcess Progressive steps to help you write that perfect scene: 1. Identify Its Purpose Here’s where too many writers flounder. You’ve likely heard that a scene should either advance the plot, reveal character, or both. Good advice but vague. You want strong pacing, showing rather than telling, and to create empathy for your protagonist. Plus, you want mystery and conflict in every scene to keep readers turning the pages. So, the purpose of the scene is key. In life, things happen, we react, process what happened, and decide on new action. So it’s action-reaction-process-decide-new action. Write one sentence that encapsulates that for each scene. For instance, a scene I’m working on for my new historical Western romance marks the midpoint of my novel. Its purpose is to show my hero, Buck, losing control and scaring the heroine, Angela. I fix that in my mind and make sure every element of my scene serves that purpose. If you can’t identify the purpose for your scene, throw it out and come up with one that works. 2. Identify the High Moment This occurs near the end of a scene, maybe even in the last line. Why? Because most of your scenes should mimic overall novel structure, with a beginning, middle, climax, and ending. Of course, a scene could effectively â€Å"hang†at the end, to add tension and propel the reader into the next scene. The high moment in my midpoint scene comes when Buck goes crazy in an attempt to keep Angela safe. I had established that she is terrified of snakes, and the scene begins just before they run into a mess of rattlers. The high moment is Angela screaming as the snakes strike. Buck shoots his rifle, then slashes in fury at the critters with his knife. I end the scene with Buck a man possessed and Angela more frightened of his behavior than she is of the snakes. This crucial step in the process reveals the ultimate purpose of your scene. 3. Emphasize Conflict: Inner and Outer A great novel will have conflict on every page, sometimes inner, other times outer. Or both. But you don’t want meaningless conflict, such as two people arguing over what type of coffee to order- unless that specific argument reveals something important that advances the plot or exposes a key bit of character. Think of ways to ramp up conflict to the highest stakes possible. Too few writers do this. Every scene- even thoughtful, â€Å"processing†ones- should convey tension, inner conflict, and high stakes. You don’t need explosive action to have conflict. My rattlesnake scene carries obvious outer conflict: man against snakes. But if that were all, the scene would be lacking. The deeper conflict is Angela’s inner angst over Buck’s violent streak. She has resisted falling for him, so this incident creates super-high conflict between them, as Buck’s behavior pushes her away. He intends to show courage and his desire to protect her, but it backfires. 4. Accentuate Character Change Writing instructor James Scott Bell says, â€Å"Every scene should have a death†- of a dream, a relationship, or a plan. Literary agent Donald Maass encourages writers to consider how a point-of-view (POV) character feels before a scene starts and how she feels when the scene ends. Your character should be changed by what happens. That change can be subtle or huge. It can involve a change of opinion, or it could be a monumental personality shift. But change must occur. Why? Because, for the story to advance, decisions must be made and action instigated. Every event in your novel should impact your characters and foment change. But it must be significant and serve the plot. How will Angela change by the end of the snake scene? Before the scene, she was falling in love. Now, her feelings have been squashed. She wants to flee back to NY. Buck drastically changes too. He’s also shocked at the violent streak he fears he’s inherited from his father (who murdered Buck’s ma). Though he loves Angela, he believes he can never let himself get close to any woman because he will hurt her. 5. Determine POV Who is the best character through whom the reader should experience this scene? With novels solely in the protagonist’s POV, this isn’t an issue. But for novels in shifting third person, with more than one perspective character, you need to decide whose POV you’ll portray in each scene. You may find it easier to choose your POV character when you determine the purpose of your scene. Or the POV choice may become obvious. In romance novels it’s common to alternate between hero and heroine, so each gets a turn filtering the scene through their POV. To decide whose POV to choose, ask yourself: Who has the most to lose or gain in the scene? Who will react strongest emotionally? Who will change the most? Whose reaction would most impact the plot? 6. Leave Out Boring Stuff And the on-the-nose stuff no one wants to read. Start your scene in the middle of the action, a bit before you build to the high moment, and you’ll avoid pages of unimportant narrative. Inject important backstory but not at the expense of the present action. Cut anything that doesn’t serve your scene’s purpose. Make every word count. 7. Perfect Beginnings and Endings It’s not just your novel’s first line that has to hook readers. Every scene promises to entertain your reader, to enthrall, to evoke emotion. You must make good on those promises. Study best-selling novels in your genre to see how adept authors create strong scene openings and riveting scene endings. A scene’s last paragraph and closing line should ratchet up the conflict and underscore character transformation. What about symbolism or motif? In my scene, by the end, the snakes become to Angela a symbol or image of Buck. One minute they’re silent, unmoving, and the next, they erupt in a violent attack. Beneath that calm exterior, Buck is poised to strike. 8. Inject Texture and Sensory Details While some writers stuff scenes with too much detail, most tend to underwrite sensory specifics. This step in this scene-crafting process involves combing through your draft and bringing scenes to life with vivid detail that engages your reader’s senses. Your goal is to paint enough of a picture to help your reader see the scene as if on the big screen. Too much detail is boring, as are details that don’t reveal anything important. Scenes serve as the framework of your novel and shouldn’t be thrown together. Use this 8-step method every time, and you’re sure to succeed. To help, I’ve created a worksheet you can download and print. What are your biggest challenges when youre deciding how to write a scene? Does this process make sense? What would you add to the process? The guest blogger: C. S. Lakin is a novelist, copyeditor, writing coach, mom, and backpacker. She blogs about writing at Live Write Thrive, and specializes in manuscript critiques. Get a free copy of her book Writing the Heart of Your Story when you join her novel-writing fast track mailing list here. Need help writing your novel?Click here to download Jerrys ultimate 12-step guide.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Motors And Generators
Electric Motors and Generators, group of devices used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, or electrical energy into mechanical energy, by electromagnetic means. A machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy is called a generator, alternator, or dynamo, and a machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy is called a motor. Two related physical principles underlie the operation of generators and motors. The first is the principle of electromagnetic induction discovered in 1831 by the British scientist and inventor Michael Faraday. If a conductor is moved through a magnetic field, or if the strength of a magnetic field passing through a stationary conducting loop is made to vary, a current is set up or â€Å"induced†in the conductor. The converse of this principle is that of electromagnetic reaction, first observed by the French physicist Andrà © Marie Ampà ¨re in 1820. If a current is passed through a conductor located in a magnetic field, the field exerts a mechanical force on it. The simplest of all dynamoelectric machines is the disc dynamo developed by Faraday. It consists of a copper disc that is mounted so that part of the disc, from the centre to the edge, is between the poles of a horseshoe magnet. When the disc is rotated a current is induced between the centre of the disc and its edge by the action of the field of the magnet. The disc can be made to operate as a motor by applying a voltage between the edge of the disc and its centre, causing the disc to rotate because of the force produced by magnetic reaction. Generally, in larger machines, electromagnets are employed. Both motors and generators consist of two basic units: the field, which is the electromagnet with its coils; and the armature, which is the structure supporting the conductors that cut the magnetic field and carry the induced current in a generator, or the exciting current in a motor. The armature is usually a... Free Essays on Motors And Generators Free Essays on Motors And Generators Electric Motors and Generators, group of devices used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, or electrical energy into mechanical energy, by electromagnetic means. A machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy is called a generator, alternator, or dynamo, and a machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy is called a motor. Two related physical principles underlie the operation of generators and motors. The first is the principle of electromagnetic induction discovered in 1831 by the British scientist and inventor Michael Faraday. If a conductor is moved through a magnetic field, or if the strength of a magnetic field passing through a stationary conducting loop is made to vary, a current is set up or â€Å"induced†in the conductor. The converse of this principle is that of electromagnetic reaction, first observed by the French physicist Andrà © Marie Ampà ¨re in 1820. If a current is passed through a conductor located in a magnetic field, the field exerts a mechanical force on it. The simplest of all dynamoelectric machines is the disc dynamo developed by Faraday. It consists of a copper disc that is mounted so that part of the disc, from the centre to the edge, is between the poles of a horseshoe magnet. When the disc is rotated a current is induced between the centre of the disc and its edge by the action of the field of the magnet. The disc can be made to operate as a motor by applying a voltage between the edge of the disc and its centre, causing the disc to rotate because of the force produced by magnetic reaction. Generally, in larger machines, electromagnets are employed. Both motors and generators consist of two basic units: the field, which is the electromagnet with its coils; and the armature, which is the structure supporting the conductors that cut the magnetic field and carry the induced current in a generator, or the exciting current in a motor. The armature is usually a...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Meiosis; Asexual and Sexual Reproduction; History of Genetics; Assignment
Meiosis; Asexual and Sexual Reproduction; History of Genetics; - Assignment Example Meiosis The process of meiosis is divided into two segments; Meiosis I and Meiosis II. Meiosis I is similar to mitosis and consists of Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I and Telophase I. When the first division comes to an end, there is the formation of two daughter cells and each contains 23 chromosomes and has undergone crossing over. Crossing over is the exchange of genetic material between two chromosomes. Meiosis II consists of the same stages. However the end stage produces four daughter cells each having a different genetic make-up. All four cells convert into sperms in males while in females only one matures as egg or ovum. As mentioned earlier, meiosis plays a very important role in sexual reproduction by causing genetic variations in the offspring. It reduces the number of chromosomes in the parent cells which are egg and sperm, collectively called as gametes or sex cells. Because of this reduction each cell contains only one set each. A process of independent assortment takes place where each allele gets different chromosome varying at any specific locus. Secondly, it also allows crossing-over which results in genetic mix-up between the two parental chromosomes and we see genetic variations in the offspring. Asexual and Sexual Reproduction Asexual reproduction is defined as a type of reproduction where the organism produces an exact copy of itself without any genetic variation or involvement of any other individual. Different organisms reproduce asexually in various manners. For instance bacteria reproduce by binary fission and the yeast by budding. Fragmentation, spore formation and vegetative reproduction are some other forms of asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction, on the other hand, is a process where two parent organisms create an offspring that has a combination of genetic material from both the parents. Most of the animals and plants reproduce sexually. However there are certain organisms that reproduce both sexually and asexually like star fish, sea anemones, slime molds and aphids. Organisms that reproduce asexually can create descendents in large numbers but since the offspring have very few DNA variations they are all equally vulnerable to diseases. However sexually reproducing organisms undergo genetic variations and the species are stronger in withstanding the harsh environment. The sexual organisms also produce lesser amount of offspring. Because of this reason the organisms that reproduce through both ways, switch towards sexual reproduction under unfavorable conditions. This helps them in acquiring the genetic variations that facilitate them in adapting to the surroundings. However sexual reproduction is an energy requiring process in contrast to asexual reproduction which requires minimal amount of energy. To explain the extensive use of sexual reproduction by organisms, George C. Williams used the example of lottery tickets. Sexual reproduction is like buying few tickets of different numbers which increases the chance of winning. While asexual is like buying loads of tickets with same numbers. This theory is not considered now because of newfound evidences. History of Genetics History of genetics can be traced back to 1866 when the work of Gregor Johann Mendel on pea was pu blished and his theory was recognized as Mendelian Inheritance. He was the first to study the genetic inheritance patterns in the peas and the fact that they followed a certain rule. After this breakthrough in the world of genetics different such theories came into sight. One considerable work was done in 1900 by Hugo de Varies, Carl Correns and Erich von Tschermak and was
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Management Skills in Adult Nursing Essay (4000 word reflection is to
Management Skills in Adult Nursing (4000 word reflection is to enable to develop a deeper, critical understanding of the development of knowledge and skill in Management) - Essay Example In order to improve my practice, I will reflect on this incident, and address issues of effective discharge planning, communication, and handover. The themes I will consider for this topic would follow the various questions raised by Johns’ reflective model. This model is meant to be implemented by sharing with fellow practitioners or with a mentor, which then transforms the learning to a faster pace. Johns’ model emphasizes the value of experienced knowledge as well as the power of the practitioner to access and implement information which has been secured via empirical processes (Grech, 2004). More specific themes on discharge planning, communication, and handover shall be incorporated into the text. The critical and analytical aspects of this discussion shall flow from the reflective process, with an evaluation of the specific actions based on standards of the practice (Callara, 2008). The scenario under evaluation involves the discharge of Patient X, a 65 year old male patient who recently underwent hip hemiarthroplasty surgery. During the discharge planning process, there were several orders which I was not sure how to implement. One of the discharge orders indicated that I needed to refer the patient to the rehabilitation ward for physiotherapy and occupational therapy, and that I needed to refer the patient to a physiotherapist and an occupational therapist, and arrange future schedules for therapy. Discharge orders also indicated that I needed to recommend an appropriate health and diet plan for the patient. Health and diet plans for elderly patients, especially those who have recently suffered hip fractures must be established because these elderly patients are prone to possible re-injury (Beaupre,, 2005). Beaupre,, (2005) discussed that the hip fracture would likely limit the mobility or elderly
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