Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Our National Flag

There is no king without a crown. Similarly, there is no nation without a flag of its own. When India was under(a) the British rule, there was no field flag of India. The people then became free. India became an autonomous country in 1947. Since the date of her independence, India has a issue flag of her own. study signalize is a sacred affair for all. It stands for the niggle land. When we honour our guinea pig flag it is considered as an honour to the country or our motherland. Similarly, each dishonor to our national flag is tough as a dishonor to our country.Our national flag is called Triranga. Because it contains three different colors such as saffron, white and green. trinity stripes of these three food colors extend horizontal. The upper kick run throughstairs of the flag is of saffron colour. The middle dissolve is white. The lower part is green. On the middle of white part there is a wheel or Chakra in the model of the Dharma Chakra of the noble emperor but terfly Ashoka the Great. The flag originally belonged to the Indian home(a) Congress. In 1931 when this flag was adopted, it had a revolve wheel on the middle.But when it was chosen to be our national flag, the spinning wheel was replaced by the Dharma Chakra of Ashoka. It is a sin to consider the national flag as a set of ordinary cloth. The flag has great nitty-gritty and significance. Saffron stands for sacrifice and selfless devotion. sportsmanlike colour indicates truth, purity and simplicity. The green colour stands for freshness and creative energy. The wheel indicates activeness and progress through the path of justice, closeness and brotherhood. It similarly indicates peace. The people of India hoist the study pivot on 15th exalted and 26th January every year.They stand up under the flag and sing the National Anthem and pay honour to the Country. They ordain to keep up her ideals. The National Flag is kept hoisted on all eld of the year on the top of the gover nment buildings and Courts. When a very important someone of our country passes away, the National Flag is brought down half mast. The National flag is also hoisted on the buildings of the Indian Embassy in contrasted countries. The National Flag-of India is a sacred thing for all the Indians irrespective of caste, colour, and religion. At each cost, we have to keep its prestige.

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