Monday, August 26, 2019

The Day Education Came to Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Day Education Came to Life - Essay Example The experience which impacted my education was the graduation ceremony of my older sister from Texas A & M University. I got an opportunity to spend week on the university campus along with my sister, prior to the graduation ceremony. I was studying in a high school during that period and was not much interested in education. Like many of my friends, I took education lightly and gave more importance to other curriculum activities like playing, singing, dancing etc during that period. I spent lengthy hours in front of the computers, chatting with my friends with the help of social networks such as Facebook at that time. Majority of the home assignments provided by the teachers rested in my study table as unattended. The deadlines of many of those assignments were passed and I showed fewer interests in completing those things because of my lack of interests in education. I did consider education as a burden during my school studies. I thought that the society and family are trying to i mpose an unnecessary burden upon the children in the form of education. Since, I never felt any financial problems in my home, I failed to realise the importance of education in shaping the career of a person, at that time. A & M is the oldest institution in Texas for higher education. More than 50000 students from different parts of the world are studying at present in this university campus. The university campus spreads across 5200 acres of land at present even though it was started in humble manner in 1871. In 1960’s it underwent huge expansion programs and the present infrastructure of this university is developed as a result of that expansion programs. â€Å"The George Bush Presidential Library and Museum opened in 1997 on West Campus, making Texas A&M one of only a few universities to host a presidential library on their campus† (Texas A&M). In short, Texas A & M has huge tradition, better infrastructure and a beautiful landscape which attracted me very much. It should be noted that I never came across with a college campus until that time and this experience made huge changes in my way of thinking about education. The preparations and the enthusiasms displayed by the campus authorities and the college students for the graduation ceremony attracted me very much during my stay at Texas A & M. The University campus was decorated beautifully for the ceremony. One could clearly realize the importance given to the graduation ceremony by the authorities from these decorations and the special clothing provided to the students who successfully completed their graduation. I have witnessed many of the successful graduates including my sister receiving their graduation certificate from a dignitary. Before the presenting the certificates, some of the dignitaries present on the occasion, delivered some concise lectures to make the students aware of the importance of education and graduation certificates. One of the dignitaries has told the audience tha t the most precious thing in this universe is education rather than anything else. He has pointed out that the basic necessities of human include education also along with food, air, shelter and clothing. He has pointed out that education helps people to attain majority of the basic necessities of human life. He has also mentioned that education leads a person from the darker sides of the world to the brighter sides of the wo

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