Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Early Child Development Essay -- Child Development Psychology Sociolog

Early Child Development There are many key factors that play up to the role of early child development, starting from before the child is nonexistent, until the child is a full grown baby. Bodily Processes of Reproduction There are numerous hormones in the human body that play key factors in allowing a human being to reproduce successfully. Spermatogenesis Spermatogenesis is the 65 to 75 day process in which the human male anatomy produces sperm cells. In the male body, follicle-stimulating hormones, or FSH, and leutinizing hormones, or LH, are very important in the process of spermatogenesis. These hormones control sperm reproduction. The production of the hormones testosterone and androgens are stimulated by the leutinizing hormones. During this process, the follicle-stimulating hormones motivate the testes to produce sperm. The development of the sperm takes place in twisted tubules called seminiferous tubules. Mitosis occurs, in which the diploid cells multiply themselves constantly. Then, day by day, at least 3 million of these cells begin to undergo meiosis, where the number of doubled chromosomes is reduced in half by dividing the cell over and over again. In order for the first phase of Meiosis to begin, the cell must become a primary spermatocyte. After this has occurred, the diploid cell, which has 46 chromosomes, split into two haploid secondary spermatocytes, each containing only 23 chromosomes. In the next phase of Meiosis, Meiosis II, the two cells split, again, forming four cells also consisting of 23 chromosomes, and the cell undergoes the change in order to perform its more specialized function for reproduction. This production takes place in the male gonads, also known as the testes. Oogenesis Oogenesis, also called ovigenesis, is the process in which the female anatomy produces egg cells. The egg cell is made up of three layers: a jelly coat, the vitelline layer, and the egg cell’s plasma membrane. A hormone called gonadotropin releasing hormone, or GnRH, control the production of the follicle-stimulating hormones and the leutinizing hormones that, as stated above, are also found in the male body. The process of oogenesis is similar to spermatogenesis. Although produced by the leutinizing hormones, the androgen hormones control the levels of FSH, GnRH, as well as the LH. Oogenesis begins before bi... ..., M.D., F.A.A.P., Robert, (2001) Alcohol and Drugs During Pregnancy. Retrieved October 19, 2004 from,1510,4547,00.html The Parent Report.Com. (2004). Newborn Vision. Retrieved October 28, 2004 from Piaget’s Cognitive Stages. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2004 from: Saskatchewan Education. Perspectives on Human Development Across the Life Span: Influences on Prenatal Development. (n.d.) Retrieved October 19, 2004 from Saskatchewan Education. Perspectives on Human Development Across the Life Span: Looking Through the Eyes of the Fetus†¦What Do You See?. (n.d.) Retrieved October 31, 2004 from page 4 to 10 at University of Albany. The Organized Newborn-Reflexes, Perceptual Capabilities and Social Readiness. (n.d.) Retrieved October 20, 2004 from the University of Albany web site:

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