Friday, December 6, 2019

Project Management for Apple - MacDonald and Adidas- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theProject Management for Apple, MacDonald and Adidas. Answer: According to research, the teenagers in Australia earn pocket money from their parents by doing certain household chores such as mowing the lawn, taking out the garbage or cleaning the house. This might seem surprising that by doing household chores most of the children who belong to the families who are well off economically spend up to 5000 dollars in a year ("Teens come with a $5000 price tag", 2018). The most popular categories of their purchase include clothing, electronic gadgets and fast food items. A study was conducted with the help of online questionnaires and after assessing the answers provided by 810 teenagers it was found that the most popularly owned items are Mp3 players, watches. The popular brands among the teenagers are Apple, MacDonalds, Adidas, and Coca Cola ("Teens come with a $5000 price tag", 2018). The one thing that every teenager has acknowledged is that they cannot live without internet. The boys are more attracted towards electronic gadgets and other technical toys; this causes them to spend more than the girls. The girls mostly spend their money on clothes and jewellery and other accessories. The brands of clothes differ on the demographic position of the individuals but the item remains the same. Some of the popular brands of clothing are Cotton On, Dotti, JayJays, Supra and Diva ("Teens come with a $5000 price tag", 2018). To sum up, the teenagers in Australia do have a good amount of purchasing power, which they utilize in buying certain items such as clothes, gadgets and food, these are the three most popular items with the teenagers and they spend quite a lot in comparison with their income capabilities. The future of the shopping trends will mostly depends on online shopping as more number of consumers is using the same. The huge collection of products that are available in the online platform is the main cause of attraction of the customers along with the fact that products are quite cheaper. Reference List: Teens come with a $5000 price tag. (2018) Retrieved 13 April 2018, from

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